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From Phonics to Reading

Grades K–3

The full-color, consumable Student Books with free digital resources help students learn foundational skills and immediately apply them to reading and writing with resources including:

  • Active, engaging, and thought-provoking lessons and practice including engaging online interactive activities
  • Tear-out letter/word cards and take-home books with controlled and decodable text written by the author
  • Opportunities for guided spelling through dictation exercises
  • Embedded review and repetition cycle for mastery

Student Edition includes access to the Interactive Instructional Resources on Sadlier Connect allowing students to work independently, in small groups, or at home.

See a complete review of this top-rated foundational skills program, as rated by EdReports here.

NEW! Interactive Practice Bundle is an online collection of student and teacher resources that helps students develop their decoding, encoding, and reading comprehension skills independently after teacher-led instruction.

The wrap-around Teacher's Edition provides the instructional tools and embedded professional development to teach students foundational skills, including:

  • 30 weeks of explicit, research-based phonics instruction that embody the Seven Characteristics of Strong Phonics Instruction
  • Support for English learners, homework suggestions, and learning center activities
  • Comprehensive Assessment System to identify instructional needs and track student progress
  • Pacing suggestions for active and engaging instruction with the bulk of time spent on reading and writing
  • Interactive instructional resources for essential activities accessible for free on Sadlier Connect
  • Over 14 Professional Development videos to build knowledge and purpose for intentional instruction
  • Instructional Guides to address teachers' needs

Top Rated Foundational Skills program as rated by EdReports. See Complete review here.

The Student Edition eBooks provide all the content from a specific grade level of the print edition with free digital resources, including online Interactive Instructional Resources. In addition, the eBooks also provides access to robust tools that allow students to:

  • Read text
  • Annotate content and highlight important information
  • Search for key words
  • Adjust the size of the text to meet individual needs
  • The Student eBook Bundle provides all the content from every level of the program with the same features as the Student eBooks above.

The Teacher’s Edition eBooks provide all the content from a specific grade level of the print editions, plus, online professional development resources including over 14 videos. In addition, the eBooks also provides access to robust tools that allow teachers to:

  • Toggle between the Student and Teacher's Editions
  • Assign lessons to an entire class or a group of students
  • View digital resources and project all content onto a whiteboard
  • Annotate content and highlight important information
  • Search for key words
  • Adjust the size of the text to meet individual needs

Quantities for digital licenses must include all user types (i.e. administrators, teachers, and students) needing to access the content.

All eBooks are accessible on Sadlier Connect. See System Requirements at TechSpecs.SadlierConnect.com.

The From Phonics to Reading  Print Student Worktext with Interactive Practice Bundle* includes:

  • 1 From Phonics to Reading Student Worktext (print)
  • 1 Interactive Practice Bundle, 1-year Seat License

The From Phonics to Reading Student Worktext eBook with Interactive Practice Bundle* includes:

  • 1 From Phonics to Reading Student Worktext eBook, 1-year Seat License
  • 1 Interactive Practice Bundle, 1-year Seat License

The From Phonics to Reading Student Worktext eBook with Interactive Practice Bundle* includes the following for up to 100 users:

  • From Phonics to Reading Student Worktext eBook, 1-year Site License
  • Interactive Practice Bundle, 1-year Site License

*Minimum purchase of 20 bundles from the same grade level. Prices apply only to multiple copies/licenses of the same title and grade, and not the total number of items ordered.

Quantities for digital licenses must include all user types (i.e. administrators, teachers, and students) needing to access the content.

See System Requirements at TechSpecs.SadlierConnect.com.

The Early Literacy Manipulatives Kit contains Sound Wall Cards, Grapheme Cards, High-Frequency Word Cards, Syllable Cards, Letter Formation Cards, Alphabet Desk Cards, Magnetic Dry Erase Boards with Elkonin (sound) boxes and Letter Formation workspaces, Dry erase markers with erasers, Magnetic Letter Tiles, Hand mirrors, and Counters. The kit promotes multisensory learning and supports instruction and can be used alone or with From Phonics to Reading and Building Reading Success with Wiley Blevins.