Vocabulary Workshop, Tools for Excellence
The Vocabulary Workshop, Tools for Excellence Online Assessments, accessible on Sadlier Connect, provides interactive versions of all program assessments and more, including:
- Pre- and Post-Tests to measure annual vocabulary acquisition and growth
- The Build an Assessment feature that enables teachers to personalize student learning with the option of customizing assignments
- Real-time data and reports for instant feedback
Available as Seat or Site Licenses. Quantities of seat licenses (minimum purchase of 20) must include all user types (i.e. administrators, teachers, and students) needing to access the content. Site licenses (per building) are for up to 100 users.
See System Requirements at
To order earlier editions of Vocabulary Workshop for Grades 6-12+, click here.
Student Test Booklets (package of 10) include:
- Mastery Checklist
- Warm-Up Test
- Unit Tests
- Cumulative Tests
- Final Test
Student Test Prep for Standardized Exams and ACT®/SAT® Exams student booklets (package of 10) provide practice tests including reading passages with embedded relevant words, followed by evidence-based questions formatted like items on high-stakes tests. 1 Teacher Answer Key included.
To order earlier editions of Vocabulary Workshop for Grades 6-12+, click here.